Tuesday 10 January 2012

New project: Giant bunny ears?!

Not really had a chance to post the last couple of months! Life sort of went a bit nuts and I haven't had time to make or design anything.

This doesn't mean I don't have ideas forming though! :P

November: I work in a clothing retail shop in Camden Town, London, and was lucky enough to be introduced to a rather mysterious but very lovely (and rather cute!) guy, Graham. I helped him find the top he was searching for (actually he found it himself in the end!) and we got talking about places to go in London. He'd recently moved down from Scotland and wanted to get to know the area.
After me being pretty useless with suggestions he asked for my number! :D
What happened? We met up properly with some other people he had recently met, we get on really well. He also seems to have a rather creative streak and we have got some plans for possibly making our own accessories and maybe even T-shirt desgins, so keep an eye out! There could be a new little online shop being born very soon :D

I can't say too much more on that right now because it's something we're still working out, he also seems to like keeping things a mystery so he may even kill me for saying this! (Sorry Graham!)

One of our plans though (Graham's idea) is to make an absolutely massive set of fluffy bunny ears. Sort of like one of those hat-scarf things, but a lot bigger and more cuddly, I think is the general idea!

We're in the phase of searching for the right faux fur. Neither of us has done anything like this before so it's going to be quite a challenge but I'm sure it will be a lot of fun! I'm really looking forward to it and to seeing the outcome. So excited!

I'll be posting step-by-step progress of this awesome little project with photos. If anyone sees this and is interested let me know! It'd be great to hear opinions and get feedback and we MAY be looking to sell them once they're done!

I think that's it for tonight, early start tomorrow!

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Most awesome boots in the world!

...in my opinion :P

At some point I will post with a collection of photos of other accessories I've made but today I'm sharing with you the boots my friend Rosie helped me to make a few weeks ago <3

Reason for making them?
I had a pair of Voodoo Dolls boots in black/grey that I got for £7 several years ago in a sports shop. I absolutely loved them and usually wore them with skinny jeans and legwarmers in the winter months.
Unfortunately they got holes in them and I (stupidly!) wore them out on a snow day earlier this year and they were destroyed :(
I'd wanted to make more since as the company doesn't make them anymore so I bought some cheap fake Uggs on eBay and, after months of searching, found some pink (with white tips) faux fur I really liked and for a good price :D

What next?
Finally managed to find time to go over to Rosie's to hang out, eat junk food and look at pretty things we want to buy/make online and she got her sewing machine out for me.
These were really easy to make! We just cut the length of fur to cover the height of the boot, cut the required width too and then sewed the fabric together to make a 'sleeve'.
We then place this over the boot, folded about 1cm of the fabric over the top of the boot, hand sewed it into place and we were done!

I may add some detachable accessories such as ribbon and little stars and other sparkly bits and pieces just to make them a bit more interesting and unique.

The finished product

I am really pleased with the result and they are SO comfy! I bought a black pair of the same boots to re-make the black ones I mentioned earlier as the fur is still in pretty good condition, so that will be my next project! :)

Let me know what you guys think and tell me if I babble too much! Also let me know if you have something you think I'd be interested in following x

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Hello! In the making

Hi everyone! This is my first post and my first ever blog so bear with me whilst I work out how I want it to look and how everything works :)

In this blog I will be sharing with you my little (or sometimes big!) creations that I put together in my spare time.

I really enjoy making accessories for my hair and especially bracelets using brightly coloured beads and parts of other jewellery from things people don't want anymore. I try to make these into something better! I've made a couple of simple charm bracelets for my mum and quite a few Kandi bracelets for myself, friends and my sister (who I will also be featuring in my blog, her name is Stacey and I love making things for her too!).

Clothing is another challenge I'd like to take on. I work in a very brightly coloured, futuristic style shop, which I love, and it often inspires me to add more things to my style and want to create my own items of clothing that fits in with what we sell and things I like <3

This blog, in a way, will be a step-by-step diary of how I go about making things; materials I use, how I put it together and the overall outcome I hope for finally finished up with images of the end result!

There will definitely be a lot of pictures and I hope this will be interesting to some people and I look forward to reading simialr blogs too!